Photo credit: Freepik.com
Studies show that the antioxidants in potatoes can help to lower blood pressure, similar to goji berries. The fiber and resistant starch in potatoes help keep things moving which can have a protective effect on the gut and aid in mineral absorption. Resistant starch forms butyric acid, a form of short-chain fatty acid that feeds beneficial flora and fights inflammation. They help to protect against respiratory issues, cancer and cardiovascular disease. The B6 in potatoes help our bodies produce hormones that help with depression, sleep, and stress reduction. And we wonder why they are a comfort food to so many! They also help reduce homocysteine levels which in turn reduce our risk for heart attacks, strokes and even Alzheimer’s.
The best thing about potatoes is that people love to pair them with fats, and this is no doubt the best way to eat them! It is important to avoid “fat-free” products when you are loading your potatoes up, instead opt for pure butter, cheese, cream or sour cream, and bacon. Don’t be shy–pile them on!
The problem with potatoes is that we do not prepare them properly. This is important if we want to avoid negative effects of potatoes and maximize the nutrients we get from them. Proper preparation increases our ability to digest them, which makes them more nourishing.
When we cook potatoes in certain ways, they are high in acrylamides which can lead to cancer. These methods include the most popular ones like frying, grilling and baking in any way other than whole. Potatoes also contain anti-nutrients like phytic acid, which can actually block mineral absorption. Potatoes often have mold that we cannot see, and while many say it is OK to just cut off mold and carry on, I do NOT agree. Yeast, fungi, mold, whatever you want to call it, creates toxins. These toxins are not necessarily destroyed by cooking. However, lactic acid bacteria CAN reduce toxins! The process of soaking and fermenting encourages lactic acid bacteria growth to begin working on making the potato a healthy addition to our diets. These bacteria can reduce toxins like Aflatoxin and even heavy metals!
The good news is that you can you can lower or eliminate these deterrents to health by soaking your potatoes! For example, you can reduce acrylamide by 48% with only 2 hours of soaking!1 Soaking and fermenting potatoes also reduces the starch content and makes them less of a shock to a diabetic’s system. Serve with plenty of healthy fats to help balance blood sugar.
In a pinch, I’ll soak my potatoes for at least 3 hours, but usually I’ll plan in advance to ferment them for 24 hours or more. After soaking, you will want to rinse the potatoes. You may then choose to dry them thoroughly depending on how you plan to prepare them.
Have you begun soaking your potatoes yet? If you do, let me know how you like the difference!
1Society of Chemical Industry (2008, March 9). Soaking Potatoes In Water Before Frying Reduces Acrylamide. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 3, 2013, from https://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/03/080306075222.htm
Thursday 10th of November 2022
Hi! Do you normally cook them after soaking? You mentioned fermenting them after soaking, is this an alternative to cooking them? Please share! Thank you
Wednesday 9th of October 2013
Hello! A new like from Mindful Mama ;o) Also just shared this post on my FB as I was excited to read it. I've never read this before and when we introduce potatoes back in, id love to do this! Can you share more details on how you soak them?? In just water, peeled or what?? Id love to know!!! Good luck and thanks again!
Wednesday 9th of October 2013
Thank you for sharing! Soak in salty water (about a tsp of salt per 2 cups of water but doesn't have to be exact) in a covered pot/bowl/jar (depending on how many potatoes you are soaking) for 3+ hours. They can be soaked whole, peeled or cut. They will cook more quickly and have a naturally buttery taste. :)