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How To Make Kefir At Home
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How To Make Milk Kefir At Home

Learn how to make milk kefir at home using kefir grains!
Course: Ferment
Keyword: Kefir
Servings: 2 servings
Author: nourishingtime.com


  • Liter Pickl-It Jar
  • 4 8oz drinking jars (swing-tops, mason jars) or 2 16oz (pint jars)
  • Nylon or stainless steel strainer
  • Wooden spoon
  • Pitcher or large bowl


  • 1 tbsp milk kefir grains (active)
  • 1 quart fresh, raw milk


  • In a clean glass jar, put 1 tbsp of milk kefir grains.
  • Cover grains with raw milk to the shoulder, leaving a little room for expansion.
  • Let sit for 24 hours until you can see bubbles near the glass, or whey pockets beginning to form.
  • Strain into pitcher using nylon strainer and wooden spoon.
  • Put grains back into the jar you made the kefir in. It is not necessary to wash after each batch. I do tend to wipe the top of the container down to the shoulder so it doesn't look messy.
  • Pour finished kefir from pitcher into 4 8oz jars or 2 16oz jars.
  • Move finished kefir to fridge.
  • Pour a new quart of milk into the jar you made the kefir in. Repeat the process!


For creamy kefir, make sure you do not disturb your kefir during the fermentation process. You don't want to shake, swirl, stir or do anything else to impact the fermentation. This will result in the curds that are forming being disturbed and separation into curds and whey become more likely.
Make sure you are using active kefir grains, see my recommendation for the best places to purchase. Using dried grains give mixed results, and can take many batches to activate.
Use full fat milk as this will give you the creamiest results!