Photo credit: freedigitalphotos.net
If you landed on this page because you are searching for a way to heal cavities for yourself or a loved one, I want to let you know that there is hope!
My son was one of the unfortunate toddlers to have decaying teeth. It started as a little spot that his then Pediatrician assured me was fine, and a result of the breathing treatments he had to have so often because of his reactive airways. Being an asthmatic, it meant that he was put on several prescriptions including inhalers, liquid steroids and preventative pills. The doctor advised me to clean his mouth well after every breathing treatment, so that’s what I did.
The little spot started to grow, and some of his teeth had vertical translucent lines. My heart sank! His teeth came out so beautiful, perfect and white! His teeth were one of the first things people would notice about him–they were literally like a movie star’s!
But now there was this brown spot that was spreading and getting darker. At the same time, I could see two black cavities in my mouth and my teeth were slowly disintegrating. Small pieces of my teeth would chip off even when I was just sitting there doing nothing. One of my cavities covered a good portion of a molar. I also had a molar on the opposite side that didn’t seem to have a cavity, but was “loose.” I could move it back and forth with my tongue and often did…it became a habit. I knew I should see a dentist as soon as possible, but just let it be. But when it came to my son’s teeth, I just couldn’t give up without a fight!
I started researching what things I could try to heal cavities and came upon the Weston A. Price Foundation way of eating and several other methods, mainly from moms who posted over on the mothering forums. They have extensive posts on many topics!
I decided to try Dr. Ellie’s mouth care regimen since it seemed the easiest to use. The results were pretty good…at first. Eventually my son’s teeth started to get really yellow. And if I stopped the protocol (minus the xylitol), within a few days his teeth would start becoming see-through again. He also had loose stools filled with undigested foods, which were worse than usual. I’m guessing the chemicals in the protocol were hard on his body.
I read more about Weston A. Price and eventually came upon an article about the GAPS diet. I had a big Aha! moment, because my son has asthma and multiple food allergies. He had eczema in the past. His growth slowed way down after introducing solids, and his first solid foods were either an allergen or made him constipated. Something just clicked, and I decided to dive in. These were all things the GAPS diet would be able to fix, and all with natural foods that would support his body with the potential to heal cavities too!
I got a bottle of FCLO for my son and embraced the bone broths and the fats. We put tallow, coconut oil and olive oil on everything. We barely had any fruit, nuts, beans/seeds. When we did have these things, they were either paired with a fat or soaked and/or sprouted–and usually both. Majority of our diet was chicken and veggies, with some beef or fish here and there. We got good mineral-rich salt. We filtered our water (well, we were already doing that because to me, tap water tastes nasty).
Something amazing started to happen. My son’s decay lightened and the brown area started feeling much stronger. It did not disappear completely, but it completely halted and his teeth are strong. They also aren’t see-through anymore. When we ventured off of GAPS, his teeth started becoming see-through again. We learned that oxalates were probably a big deal and decided to try the Vitamin K Protocol, and it was amazing for his teeth.
My teeth also got much better even though I very rarely ever took any FCLO (small budget so I rationed it all for my son). I can’t move any of my teeth with my tongue or hand. I can’t see any black cavities. The big one in the molar was reversed as well, but the damage that was already there caused my tooth to break once when I bit something hard. However, what’s left of it has no sign of disease, no black whatsoever! It’s amazing!
Find actionable tips to heal tooth decay here.
Leave a comment if you have any questions.
Note: This was written late 2013 and confirmed by regular dentist a year later–no cavities or soft spots for either of us!
Rodrigo Degenhart
Sunday 1st of December 2019
Thanks-a-mundo for the article.Really thank you! Fantastic.
Tuesday 30th of July 2019
What exactly is the vitamin k protocol? Google is not my friend tonight ..
Wednesday 31st of July 2019
Hey there, you can find the Vitamin K Protocol here. It used to be easier to find much more info on it, but it seems like natural health is being "voted down" by the search engines. https://www.healthshop101.com/K2Protocol.pdf
Tuesday 14th of January 2014
do you think it is ok to take artifical vitamin?
Monday 3rd of February 2014
In some cases, yes. If you can get lots of pastured animal fats from the spring months, take FCLO & BO, drink milk kefir from pastured milk, eat cultured veggies, etc., you may be OK. But these days it is hard to get enough K2 to correct a deficiency!